We Help Children With Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety: Brain Dynamics
When a child consistently exhibits anxious behavior, parents often grapple with how to provide support. The initial stride in managing anxious behaviour in your child or teenager involves comprehending the workings of their brain. Once equipped with an understanding of the scientific aspects of what’s happening, you can then proceed to help them to better handle their feelings and effectively manage their response to stress.

Get started with a plan for your child today!

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Underdeveloped Stress Resilience and Emotional Regulation

We all encounter stress and anxiety, yet our bodies don’t uniformly respond to these pressures. The brain’s capacity to process and manage information can significantly influence our emotional responses and reactions to stress. What one individual may navigate effortlessly, another might experience as anxiety, leading to either withdrawal or outward reactions.
The variation in feelings and responses to stressful situations among individuals stems from differences in neurological development, particularly within the autonomic nervous system. Research indicates that immaturities within this system can create challenges in how a person manages stress. Immaturity in the autonomic nervous system can impede one’s capacity to regulate emotional responses, leading to feelings of anxiety and nervousness.

The Connection Between Anxiety and Challenges in Sensory Processing

Anxiety often coexists with challenges in sensory processing. Research indicates a significant correlation between difficulties in sensory processing and symptoms of anxiety. Children who react negatively to sensory stimuli like loud noises or strong scents might encounter heightened stress reactions. Those exhibiting sensory-seeking behaviors might become overwhelmed in stressful situations, displaying either outward reactions such as crying or yelling, or withdrawing into quietness.

What can be done?

If your child or teenager consistently deals with anxiety, we’re here to assist. An assessment can pinpoint areas of immaturity and pave the way for an actionable plan tailored to your child’s needs. Notably, most parents witnessed significant improvement in their child’s happiness upon completing the Brain Fitness Program. If you’re seeking support for your child’s anxiety, let’s start a conversation to explore how we can help.
It’s a common challenge we encounter regularly while supporting families at Brain Fitness – persistent worrisome thoughts and anxiety. Managing anxiety and reducing excessive worry hinge significantly on the maturity and connectivity of the brain. Our Brain Fitness program stands apart by concentrating on enhancing brain connectivity and bolstering foundational development rather than solely relying on lifelong coping mechanisms to maintain calmness and reduce worry. Through a blend of sensory engagement exercises, physical development routines, cognitive activities, and a focus on nutritious habits, our program aims to fortify brain pathways. Strengthening these pathways is crucial in diminishing worrisome thoughts and enhancing the capacity to manage stress effectively. It is crucial to consult directly with your doctor for the presence or confirmation of any developmental or disorder diagnosis. Brain Fitness neither provides diagnosis nor administers treatment for disorders.
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